This bundle gives you the PDF versions of all four of the subsectors from Earth Sector's Quadrant 2.
This bundle includes:
Subsector Sourcebook: Earth: This sourcebook details the central subsector of Earth Sector. Named for the most important system in the sector, Earth Subsector is not only the linchpin of Earth Sector but is also the origin point for humans, altrants, and most uplifts. Almost everyone in Earth Sector can point back to Earth Subsector as their home.
Subsector Sourcebook: Earth describes all of the systems within Earth Subsector. This includes Earth's home system as well as important worlds within the colonies of the nations of Earth such as Germany's Neu Berlin, Russia's Menshikov, and China's Bingxue Shijie.
Subsector Sourcebook: Artemis: Artemis Subsector, Subsector H of Earth Sector, is a mixture of the civilized core and the trailing frontier. Named for the Greek goddess of the wilderness, most of the worlds are true to the name and have vast wilderness areas still ready to be tamed.
Artemis Subsector is home to colonies founded by Germany, the United States, China, the Pan-Islamic Caliphate, the Southern Alliance, the Republic of Texas, and Indonesia. Artemis is home to the Southern Alliance waterworld of Fairplay, the cold and dry Caliphate world of Yakhib, the desolate Chinese world of Zhanshi, and the red-leaved forest of the Texan world Crippen.
Subsector Sourcebook: Durga: Durga Subsector, Subsector C of Earth Sector is a part of the civilized core worlds of the sector. Named for the Hindu goddess of war, strength, and protection, the subsector is held by three powerful nations: China, The United Kingdom, and the Union of Scandinavia.
Durga includes the garden world of New Windsor, the icy world of Pingdan, the agricultural world of Långt, and the bleak world of Niflheim. It is also home to an independent world, Arthur's World, ruled by a benevolent yet eccentric monarch.
Subsector Sourcebook: Hecate: Hecate Subsector, Subsector D of Earth Sector, is the edge of civilization. Named for the Greek goddess of magic, crossroads, and entryways, Hecate is the subsector where settled space meets the frontier. From Hecate, spacers can move into Fjarron, Mazzoni, and Yeager Sectors and into the unknown.
Hecate Subsector is home to colonial worlds held by the Union of Scandinavia, Canada, Portugal, and Iran as well as several independent worlds on the trailing edge of the subsector. Hecate is home to the Scandinavian superterran Fuglesang, the cold Canadian world of Hadfield, the Iranian agricultural world of Arash, and the corporate mining world of Tartessos.
Each book is filled with system maps, world maps, and physical data about each world and is a treasure trove of information for Referees who want to take their Earth Sector adventures to the frontier's edge. Government, legal, cultural, and population details will help the Referee paint a picture of each world for their players.
4 PDFs. Earth-168 pages. Artemis-138 pages. Durge-140 pages. Hecate-100 pages.