ARRRR! Heave to and prepare to be boarded!
Piracy has been a near constant in Clement Sector since the Conduit was first opened. In fact, some historians maintain that piracy may have played as large a part in the direction that civilization spread from Hub as did the astrography of the sector. The act has been part of the fabric of the sector and continues to be so despite the best efforts of the many planetary governments.
Piracy in Clement Sector includes down on their luck merchant crews forced to compromise their morality, people who watched one too many episodes of Superpirate! and think they can do that too, ex-military people who are working for one government to disrupt the trade of another, dedicated pirates who are just stone cold killers, and marauders who are attacking new colonies along the frontier.
Skull and Crossbones: Piracy in Clement Sector covers all of these and delves into the tactics, lives, and traditions of the sector's pirates. The book covers the pirate havens, the articles of agreement, and the pirate code (more of a guideline, really). Each subsector's piracy problems are covered in detail to let merchants know where to avoid and pirates know where is safe to strike!
In addition, two unique pirate vessels are detailed here as well. The Demon-class lembus and the Ironbard-class longship. Both are presented in our usual Ships of Clement Sector format with in-depth descriptions, full deckplans, and beautiful art.
Grab your cutlass! Get your rum! It's time to go pirate, me mateys!