Within this bundle are all five of the Clement Sector Subsector Sourcebooks in PDF. Buying the books in this bundle will save 20% off the usual price.
Subsector Sourcebook: Cascadia - The third edition of Subsector Sourcebook: Cascadia covers subsector H of our Clement Sector setting. The book details the twenty populated systems within the Cascadia subsector. Within the pages of this book you will learn about the religious democracy on Roskilde, the expansionists of the Cascadia system, the beloved dictatorship on Gagnon, the isolationist Monrovians, and the decadence of Chance.
Subsector Sourcebook: Franklin - The third edition of the Subsector Sourcebook: Franklin details Subsector C of the Clement Sector setting. Franklin is a subsector of independent worlds which, while more settled and established than Sequoyah or the frontier subsectors, is still not as tamed as Hub or Cascadia subsectors. Here you will find the alien artifacts of Tal'Kalares, the theocracy of Franklin, the military dictatorship of Minerva, the libertarian city-states of Bastiat, and the floating cities of Moffett.
Subsector Sourcebook: Hub - The Hub Subsector is the location of the first settlements of Clement Sector dating back to the early 2200s and remains the central, most cosmopolitan of the four fully settled subsectors. It is the former location of the Conduit, the wormhole that once led across the galaxy back to Earth Sector and is home to The Hub Federation, Clement Sector's only interstellar polity.
Subsector Sourcebook: Sequoyah - The third edition of Subsector Sourcebook: Sequoyah details the Sequoyah Subsector which is Subsector F of Clement Sector. Within these pages you will find the wilds of Bowemiwak, equality on Chriseda, the Igbo music of Amadioha, the optimism of Torarentsacorsus, and the strength of Boone.
Subsector Sourcebook: The Colonies - Welcome to the frontier! The Colonies are worlds located on the cutting edge of civilization. From Dade, Superior, and Winston Subsectors inside Clement Sector to Peel and Solon Subsectors in Ariel Sector and Dawn Subsector in Tranquility Sector, these are the most recently settled systems and packed full of adventure.